Monday, March 14, 2011


Ester Raba3,10- Every "Hamelech" stam (without saying "Hamelech Achashverosh") in Megillas Ester is talking about Hashem (in addition to Achashverosh). What about 3,15 "Vehamelech vehaman yashvu lishtos" (and the king and Haman sat down to drink) and 3,10 "Vayasar Hamelech es Tabato meal yado vayitna lehaman...." (and the king removed the ring from on his hand and gave it to Haman....) and 2,2 "vayomru naarei Hamelech mesharasav yevakshu lamelech nearos besulos tovos mareh" (and the king's pages said 'let there be sought for the king beautiful young maidens) etc.?


Why did Mordechai have to incite Haman by not bowing down to him? Why couldn't he just arrange to lose his job of sitting at the palace gates or retire from it or move away or pretend to be sick or something? He can't make a point of not bowing down and thereby jepordize his life and the lives of his fellow Jews! Also the Gemara (Megilla 6b) says "Im Ra'isah Rasha Shehasha'ah Misachekes lo al tisgareh bo" ( it's assur to incite a rasha that is enjoying good fortune), so how could he have incited Haman? Haman was clearly enjoying good fortune!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Megillas Esther starts with "Vayehi Bemai Achashverosh" (It was in the days of Achashverosh) So why does it need to say in the next passuk "Bayamim Hahaim" (in those days)? I know that it was during that time because it just said that!


In Esther 2,22, why did Mordechai tell Esther to tell Achashverosh that Bigsan and Seresh were plotting to kill him? Why didn't he just let them kill Achashverosh? Avodah Zara 26 a-b says that you shouldn't save goyim's lives, especially Achashverosh's life considering (Rashi Megilla 14a) Achashverosh wanted to do destroy the Jews on his own, even without Haman's encouragement. Remember, this is before Haman became the second most powerful man in the world so chances are whoever would've taken over Achashverosh would've been much more friendly to the Jews. Maybe even Esther would've been the one who would take over, so why did they save Achashverosh from Bigsan and Seresh?


Megila 12b-Megillas Esther (1,10) says "Bayom Hashvi'i K'tov Lev Hamelech Byayin" means that ALL the goyim at the party, which was on Shabbos, were drunk, discussing which country has the prettiest girls. However when Jews get drunk they talk Divrei Torah and praise Hashem. But the passuk says HAMELECH (not Ha'ir Shushan or Ha'am or something similar that would imply that the focus is on the King) but yet, the Gemarah makes it sound like the focus is difference between the Jews and the Non Jews?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


How can Megilla 13b (see Hagahos Habach) say the reason why Esther didn't tell anyone what her nationality is is because she's so Tzanu'ah? Esther 2,20 says that the reason why she didn't reveal her nationality is because Mordechai told her not to tell!


Megila13b- Esther would get up from having relations with Achashverosh and go have relations with Mordechai. There is nothing that would make Achashverosh more upset at Esther and the rest of the Jews than finding out that a Jew is sleeping with his wife! Megilla 15b says that Achashverosh would kill Esther and Haman if he suspected them of being in love, if he found out the Gadol Hador was hooking up with his wife wouldn't he be a hundred times more angry!? Why would Esther risk everything like that?

Fw: 8 Adar (purim)

Why does the megilla only discuss the decor of the second party?Should discuss the decor of both the same way it discusses the purpose of and who was invited to both! Why did Achashverosh only use the Klei Beis Hamikdash by the second party? We see by the first party he wore the Bigdei Kohen Gadol (Megilla 12a) so apparently even by the first party he was trying to be mevazeh the Beis Hamikdash and the Jewish religion! Why do we only find that (Esther 1,9) Vashti made her own party by the second party(for Shushan)? We don't see anything about her making her own party the first time (for everybody)! What's the difference?