Monday, September 7, 2009

18 Elul (Nitzavim- Vayelech)

29,10"From woodchoppers to water-carriers".2include every1it should list2very different groups,not2simaler ones!?

16 Elul (Ki Savo)

27,12.-one of the 6shvatim ON Har Grizim is Levi.What's Rashi(on that passuk) mean there are 6on1mtn and 6on the other&Levi is DOWN BTWN them.Pasuk says Levi was ON THE MOUNTAIN?

14 Elul (Ki Savo)

Rashi28,6"Baruch Ata Bivoecha,Ubaruch Ata Bitzaisecha"-means just like came into world without sin so2leave w/o sin.But what about28,19"Arur Ata Bivoecha... Bitzaisecha"?Should be opposite but didn't enter world,with sins!

12 Elul (Ki Savo)

Alert kasha When thank Hashem4not letting Lavan kill us(26,5+Rashi)(Arami Oved Avi)why say that he did kill us(just bc punish goyim4intent still here trying2thank Hashem4saving us so its stupid2write that we weren't saved?

13 Elul (Ki Savo)

Why does 1bringing Bikurim tell Kohen(26,3)I came today 2Hashem YOUR god(&not H'my god)[like the pesach rasha]?