Thursday, July 22, 2010


Devarim 4,6- The goyim will hear the chukim and say how smart they are. How can Rashi (Bamidbar 19,2 et al.) say that goyim ridicule the chukim?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tisha B'Av

Why do the people of Tur Malka and Beitar (Gittin57a) attack the Roman soldiers for such stupid, little reasons? The citizens of Tur Malka attacked the Roman soldiers just for taking a chicken and a hen that were infront of the Chassan and Kallah. The citizens of Beiter attacked the daughter of the Caesar's private bodyguards. Why wasn't it plainly obvious that that is a totally suicidal move? I know the Gemara on 56a says they should have been more scared of consequences, but this is beyond just not thinking about consequences! This sounds like being totally braindead!

Tisha B'Av

Rambam- Hilchos Tefilla 13,18- On Tisha B'Av we read (Devarim 4, 25-40)"Ki Solid Bonim" during Shachris. Why does the Rambam in Hilchos Taanis 5,5 "On these fasts (which include Tisha B'Av).... we read by Shachris and Mincha (Shemos 32,11-14; 34,1-10)"Vaychal Moshe"? That's clearly saying that by Tisha B'Av Shachris we read "Vayichal" instead of "Ki Solid"!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

9 Days/ Tisha B'Av

Gittin 56a- Bar Kamtza gets upset that the Rabbis didn't protest the host ejecting him and causes the churban of the Second Beis Hamikdash. Why didn't the Rabbis protest?


Why do we wait until Devarim 1,22 (see Rashi) to say that the Jews came to Moshe to ask for Meraglim disorderly? Why didn't we say that in Shelach?


Rashi- we learn from Bamidbar 30,6 "V'Hahshem Yislach La" that if her father is Meifer her Neder without her knowing that he undid it, and she breaks her Neder, she needs Slicha because she thought she was doing an avira even though she didn't. Why do we need to repeat that again in 30,9+13?


How can it be possible that (Bamidbar 32,16 Rashi) "Bnei Reuven and Bnei Gad cared more about their cattle than their kids"? Even Reshaim aren't like that! For sure people from the Dor Deia shouldn't be like that!


Bamidbar 31,3 Rashi-"Anashim" means Tzaddikim just like it does by Shemos 17,9. But Rashi over there says it means "strong, fear sin/can undo sorcery"! If so, they don't mean the same thing, so why does Rashi say they do?


Bamidbar 30, 4-6 are discussing katanah who makes a neder. Why does Rashi 30,6 say that they're about a married woman who becomes a Nazir?


In Sanhedrin 82a, How could Moshe tell Pinchas to kill Zimri ("kreina di'igrisa ihi leihavei parvanka" [the reader of the letter should be the one who fulfills it]) if (Sanhedrin 82a) the Halacha of kanaim pogim bo (zealots kill one who has relations with a gentile); is Halacha V'ain Morin Kain (its the halacha however we don't encourage people to do it)?

Shiva Asar Bitamuz

Why does Ta'anis 26b only say that on the 17th of Tamuz the Luchos were broken and not say the Egel Hazahav which was that day, which caused it plus was terrible on its own?


Why do we wait until Parshas Pinchas (Bamidbar 25,14) to say the names of the "ish yisrael" and the "Midyanis" whom Pinchas killed back in parshas Balak(25,6-8)?