Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ki Savo

Why does a person bringing Bikurim tell the Kohen (Devarim 26,3) "I came today to Hashem YOUR God? He should say "I came today to Hashem MY God"! This is even worse than what the Rasha from the Pesach Haggada does! That Rasha only says that Hashem only commanded you, not me. The person bringing Bikkurim basically sounds, by the logic we use there, to be saying that Hashem is the Kohen's God and not his own God (Chas Veshalom)!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Devarim 4,6- The goyim will hear the chukim and say how smart they are. How can Rashi (Bamidbar 19,2 et al.) say that goyim ridicule the chukim?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tisha B'Av

Why do the people of Tur Malka and Beitar (Gittin57a) attack the Roman soldiers for such stupid, little reasons? The citizens of Tur Malka attacked the Roman soldiers just for taking a chicken and a hen that were infront of the Chassan and Kallah. The citizens of Beiter attacked the daughter of the Caesar's private bodyguards. Why wasn't it plainly obvious that that is a totally suicidal move? I know the Gemara on 56a says they should have been more scared of consequences, but this is beyond just not thinking about consequences! This sounds like being totally braindead!

Tisha B'Av

Rambam- Hilchos Tefilla 13,18- On Tisha B'Av we read (Devarim 4, 25-40)"Ki Solid Bonim" during Shachris. Why does the Rambam in Hilchos Taanis 5,5 "On these fasts (which include Tisha B'Av).... we read by Shachris and Mincha (Shemos 32,11-14; 34,1-10)"Vaychal Moshe"? That's clearly saying that by Tisha B'Av Shachris we read "Vayichal" instead of "Ki Solid"!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

9 Days/ Tisha B'Av

Gittin 56a- Bar Kamtza gets upset that the Rabbis didn't protest the host ejecting him and causes the churban of the Second Beis Hamikdash. Why didn't the Rabbis protest?


Why do we wait until Devarim 1,22 (see Rashi) to say that the Jews came to Moshe to ask for Meraglim disorderly? Why didn't we say that in Shelach?


Rashi- we learn from Bamidbar 30,6 "V'Hahshem Yislach La" that if her father is Meifer her Neder without her knowing that he undid it, and she breaks her Neder, she needs Slicha because she thought she was doing an avira even though she didn't. Why do we need to repeat that again in 30,9+13?


How can it be possible that (Bamidbar 32,16 Rashi) "Bnei Reuven and Bnei Gad cared more about their cattle than their kids"? Even Reshaim aren't like that! For sure people from the Dor Deia shouldn't be like that!


Bamidbar 31,3 Rashi-"Anashim" means Tzaddikim just like it does by Shemos 17,9. But Rashi over there says it means "strong, fear sin/can undo sorcery"! If so, they don't mean the same thing, so why does Rashi say they do?


Bamidbar 30, 4-6 are discussing katanah who makes a neder. Why does Rashi 30,6 say that they're about a married woman who becomes a Nazir?


In Sanhedrin 82a, How could Moshe tell Pinchas to kill Zimri ("kreina di'igrisa ihi leihavei parvanka" [the reader of the letter should be the one who fulfills it]) if (Sanhedrin 82a) the Halacha of kanaim pogim bo (zealots kill one who has relations with a gentile); is Halacha V'ain Morin Kain (its the halacha however we don't encourage people to do it)?

Shiva Asar Bitamuz

Why does Ta'anis 26b only say that on the 17th of Tamuz the Luchos were broken and not say the Egel Hazahav which was that day, which caused it plus was terrible on its own?


Why do we wait until Parshas Pinchas (Bamidbar 25,14) to say the names of the "ish yisrael" and the "Midyanis" whom Pinchas killed back in parshas Balak(25,6-8)?

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Sanhedrin 63a- Rashi- Ba'al Peor is never worshiped by bowing, that's the antithesis of the proper way to worship it. If so, in 25,2+Rashi, why do the Bnos Moav make Jews bow down to Ba'al Peor?


Bamidbar 25, 1-3 makes it clear that the Jews were mezaneh with Bnos Moav first and only afterwards they did Avoda Zara. How can Sanhedrin 106a say that what happened with all the Jews is that they did Avoda Zara and only afterwards the Bmos Moav were willing to consent to do znus with them?


In Bamidbar 20, 2-3why do the Jews "gather against Moshe AND Aharon" then only "fight with Moshe"? Why isn't it same both times!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Sanhedrin 101b- Rashi- Moshe's sin by Mei Meriva which prevented him from being able to enter Eretz Yisrael is that he said to the Jews(Bamidbar 20,10) "Shimu Nah Hamorim" listen now, O rebels". But 20,12 + Rashi says the sin here (which is Mei Meriva) that caused him not to be able to enter Eretz Yisrael is that he hit the rock instead of speaking to it?

Sunday, June 13, 2010


In Bamidbar 20,12-Rashi Hashem gets upset at Moshe for hitting the rock instead of talking to the rock because had Moshe spoken to the Rock instead of hitting it, the Jews would have reasoned "if the rock which doesn't speak, doesn't hear, and doesn't need sustenance, still listens to Hashem, all the more so we should." Why on Earth would the Jews have made such a retarded Kal Vechomer? The rock doesn't have the choice whether to listen to Hashem or not, of course it listens to Hashem! In addition, the rock's not listening is not relevant! If anything it only shows that the rock wasn't listening to Hashem!


How can Korach and his followers not trust Moshe if Shemos 19,9 says "bicha yaminu liolam" (they will trust in you forever)?


How does the Arizal that says in the future Korach will be Kohen Gadol make sense? Korach is a huge rasha!


In 17,17-24 Hashem tells Moshe to prove that Aharon is supposed to be the Kohen Gadol by taking a staff from each of the Nesi'im and writing the Nasi's name on the staff (for Levi they wrote Aharon's name) and put them near the Aron Kodesh. Sure enough the next morning only Shevet Levi's staff blossomed. How does that prove it has to be Aharon who's the Kohen Gadol? It could still be anyone from Levi. Last time, the problem came from a Levi, wouldn't it make sense to somehow prove it can't be any other Levi other than Aharon?


How can Moshe say (Bamidbar 16,29) if Korach and his followers aren't killed miraculously, then Hashem didn't send him? Maybe they'll do Teshuva and live!


16,1 Rashi- Korach and his followers came to Moshe with four cornered garments made out of Techeiles and they asked Moshe is this garment chayav in Tzitzis or patur? Moshe responded that its still chayav in Tzitzis. Immediately they began laughing at him and said if a regular beged has one string of techeilis that paturs the entire beged, so this garment which is completely techeiles should for sure be patur. Why doesn't Korach agree that its chayav in Tzitzis? All it should be patur on based on Korach's Kal Vechomer is from techeiles! So why did he ask whether its chayav in Tzitzis, not whether its chayav in Techeiles?


13,2 Rashi- The Jews should have trusted Hashem that the land is good and not sent spies to check. But Devarim 1,22 actually says what they asked for, which is "Let us send men before us and they will spy out the land and tell us what path we should go up on and what cities to conquer". Clearly they wanted to go up to Eretz Yisrael, and they probably did believe Hashem that it was good. All they wanted was to find out what the best way to conquer Eretz Yisrael is, whic Hashem never told told them, so what's the problem?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


In Bamidbar 13,31 Rashi, how could the Jews have possibly believed that the goyim in Eretz Yisrael are stronger than Hashem (Chas Veshalom)?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Rashi Bamidbar 15,41- The eight Tzitzis strings are Kneged the eight days between leaving Mitzraim and Krias Yam Suf. But Rashi (Shemos14,5) says that it was only seven days!?


Why did the Jews complain about the Mun (Bamidbar 11,4) and Issur Arayos (Bamidbar 11,20 Rashi) here? Both had already been in effect for about a year already!


Beraishis 15,5 Rashi- Yabit means to look down from above. In this weeks parsha when Moshe is (Bamidbar 12,8) "utmunas Hashem yabit", how could he possibly look down on Hashem? That's impossible!


Bamidbar 11,5 Rashi- The Jews want to get food like they got in Egypt without needing to do mitzvos to get it. Why wouldn't they rather it this way, with them needing to do mitzvos to get food, then the way it was in Egypt, with them being slaves?


Bamidbar 13,18 Rashi-Fortified cities shows the goyim there are weak. But in 13,28 Rashi says it shows strength!?


Why do the Jews say (Bamidbar 11,5) "zacharnu es hadaga asher nochal bimitzraim"? Nochal is future tense, they are obviously remembering the past!


Bamidbar 5,22 Rashi- The Boel explodes when the Sotah does. If so, why do we warn the Sotah so many times and not warn the Boel even once? Its not fair! There's no reason for her to be given chance after chance and him not to be given a single chance not to explode. She was even warned beforehand too! Also, his death is tied to hers, its not even like his sin deserves death and she's just given a chance because he dies exactly when she dies regardless!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


What does Boaz mean when he tells Rus (Rus 2,11) that she came to a nation she never heard of before? Rus 1,4 makes it clear that she was married to a Jew for approximately 10 years!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Bamidbar 5,12 Rashi- Hashem swears If you don't give your Matnos Kehuna to the Kohen, your wife will become a Sotah and you'll have to bring her to the Kohen. Why? She has Bechira! What is going to force her to have relations with somebody just because her husband didn't give his Terumah to the Kohen?

Thursday, May 13, 2010


If Boaz told Rus (Rus 2,8) "stay close to my MAIDENS", why does Rus tell Naomi (Rus 2,21) "he even said to me 'stay close to my YOUNG MEN'"?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Yerushalmi Rosh Hashana Perek 4, Halacha 8 (21a) says that the sair of Shavuos is only one not called a chatas(Bamidbar28,30) because Hashem considers it as if never sinned on Shavuos because accept Torah. But if so why does Vayikra 23,19 call Shavuos' sair a chatas? If Hashem considers it as if we never sinned on Shavuos, why do we need a chatas in Shemini and not in Pinchas?

Monday, May 10, 2010


Yevamos 48b proves that geirim are punished for not converting earlier from the fact that Boaz tells Rus that she gets full reward because she came to convert immediately. But she didn't come immediately! Rus 1,12-Rashi- She waited to convert until after Machlon died and Rus 1,4 says that she was married for about 10 years. Clearly she waited 10 years to convert so how can the Gemara in Yevamos say she converted immediately?

Fw: Alert kasha Yevamos48b proves...

Yevamos 48b proves that geirim are punished for not converting earlier from the fact that Boaz tells Rus that she gets full reward because she came to convert immediately. But she didn't come immediately! Rus 1,12-Rashi- She waited to convert until after Machlon died and Rus 1,4 says that she was married for about 10 years. Clearly she waited 10 years to convert so how can the Gemara in Yevamos say she converted immediately?


How can Naomi tell Rus (1,15) Orpa went back to her god, follow her? It's forbidden for goyim to do Avoda Zara, so how can Naomi tell her to do it?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Behar- Bechukosai

Toras Kohanim- Vayikra 25, 48-49 is written in order of who is most closely related to a Jew who is a slave to a goy, the closer the relation, the earlier in line to redeem. If so, why is the slave himself written last? How could he possibly be the one least related to himself?

Behar- Bechukosai

What's the point of the Torah giving us two blessings, one for have tons of food(26,10 + Rashi) and to be satisfied with little food(26,5 + Rashi)? There's no point of both! If you don't need to eat much than there's no reason to have so much food!

Friday, April 30, 2010


Hy does Vayikra 21,1 say that a Kohen can't become Tamei to a "Nefesh"? Nefesh (when not followed by the word "Meis") always means a living person, and a Kohen is allowed to become Tamei to a living person! It should say he can't become Tamei to a "Nefesh Meis" like it says when it discusses who a Kohen Gadol and Nazir can't become Tamei to!


In Shemos 2,12, Rashi says before Moshe killed the Mitzri he checked with Ruach Hakodesh and saw that none of this Mitzri's descendants will convert. But in Vayikra 24,10 Rashi says the Mekalel was the son of the Mitzri and he converted! How can Rashi say that Moshe saw that none of his kids will convert and then say later that his son did convert?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Why is a person who curses Hashem the only person who's chayav misah that we tell (Rashi24,14) "your blood is on your head (you are to blame for your own death), and we won't get punished because of your death because you caused it to yourself"? Every person who's chayav any misah caused their own death and therefore Beis Din won't be punished for killing them!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Acharei Mos- Kedoshim

Why does Rashi 17,4 say that a person who shechts a korban outside Beis Hamikdash is like a murder that in that he pays with his life? There are tons of people who are chayav misah, what relevance does this guy have to a murderer? The Torah must be gaining something by the comparison. It can't be the Torah needs to show that its possible for someone to be chayav misah! Besides, a murderer gets Hereg and someone who shechts a korban outside the Beis Hamikdash only gets Kares! Why don't we compare him to someone who gets Kares instead?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Acharei-Mos - Kedoshim

Yoma 67b says that the sair lazazel is called that because it comes to atone for the sins of Uza and Aziel. Rashi- They were the Bnei Elokim that were mezaneh with the human women, so the azazel is atoning for licentiousness. The problem is that Vayikra 16,21 says it was coming for "Kol Pishahem Licol Chatosum" (for all inquity for all sins) so how can the Gemara say it was specifically for licentiousness?


In Yevamos 62b why did R' Akiva's students get killed for not giving kavod to each other? That's not even an aveira! Also why did they get what Brachos8a says is the worst death possible, askera? What was so bad about it that would deserve such a terrible death?


What's the celebration that R' Akiva's students stopped dying on Lag Be'omer?The only reason why they stopped dying is because they were all dead!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


How were the Jews kicked out of Egypt before the bread had time to rise? The Jews already knew for weeks that they were going to be leaving! They had weeks to prepare all that was necessary! Why on Earth would they have only started making the dough within 18 minutes of the time they happened to get kicked out?

Monday, March 29, 2010


What does the Haggada mean "Pharaoh only decreed to kill the boys, but Lavan tried to uproot everyone"? The decree to kill all the boys was only for the year that Moshe was born (Sotah12b)! All of Pharaoh's other evil decrees designed to decrease Jewish population were aimed at both men and women!

Friday, March 26, 2010


Why does the Haggada use Devarim 10,22 to show that the Jews came to Egypt "few in number"? Why doesn't it use Beraishis 46,27 where the Jews actually came to Egypt few in number? There's no reason to go all the way to Devarim for that when the Haggada can use the actual passuk!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


What does the Haggada mean "The reason for Matza is because the dough of our fathers didn't even have time to rise before Hashem redeemed them as it says (Shemos 12,39) "They baked the dough which they brought out of Egypt into unleavened bread, for it had not been leavened, for they had been driven out of Egypt and couldn't delay...""? They couldn't have let the bread rise even if they did have time! Pesachim 96b- They weren't allowed to have Chametz that year just on the 15th of Nissan. Shemos 12,39 is talking about the 15th of Nissan! Therefore they couldn't have let the bread rise that day even if they had as much time as they wanted, so what's it mean the only reason they didn't let it rise is because they didn't have time?

(See also Pesachim 21b which makes it clear that the passuk that Pesachim 91b learns that they couldn't have chametz on the 15th from, isn't just talking about eating.)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Why does it say in Davar Achar "alu eser makkos shehavi hakadosh Baruch hu al hamitzrim bimitzraim..." (these are the 10 makkos that Hashem brought on the Egyptians in Egypt...)? Of course the Egyptians are in Egypt! If its excluding the ones that aren't currently in Egypt than why shouldn't the ones that just left be punished for what they did? Also, if that's true, why didn't the other Egyptians just leave for a little bit until the makkos are done (we find the bechorim got into a major war with their fathers right before makkas bechoros that caused even more deaths than the makkah itself. Why not just take a quick vacation in Eretz Kena'an or something)?

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Why do we say in Avadim Hayinu that we were slaves "liparoh bimitzraim"(to Pharaoh in Egypt)? Why not just say we were slaves "to Pharaoh" and we would know that it was in Egypt? Also why do we say it twice? Even if we needed it the first time, we don't need to say again two lines later that Pharaoh was in Egypt?


Why do we need to mention during the Seder the Machlokes whether or not one needs to mention Yitzias Mitzraim every night of the year? That has absolutely nothing to do with the Seder! Everybody agrees that by the seder you need to talk about Yitzias Mitzraim! This has nothing to do with that argument!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Why do we say "Kul Dichphin Yaysei Viyeichul...." (All who are hungry should come and eat...) from "Ha Lachma Anyah" in the privacy of our homes? The hungry will never have the slightest idea that we are inviting them! Why don't we say it in shul or some other public area? As generous as it is to invite people, its only useful if they find out!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Why do we wait to invite the guests (in"Ha Lachma Anya") until Maggid? Wouldn't it be much more logical to invite them before Kiddush?

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Pesachim 116a- During the Seder we have to darshen from (Devarim 26,5) "Arami Oved Avi" until we finish the entire section. If so why doesn't the Haggada include the last verse in the section (Devarim 26,8) "Vayivienu"?

Thursday, March 11, 2010


How is it possible for Moshe to put poles on the Aron Kodesh in Pekudei (40,20) if the Torah says in Shemos 25,15 that the Aron's poles can never be removed once they're put on and Betzalel already put them on in Vayakhel (37,5)?


The Rashba"m on Pesachim 112a says that we learn one must knock before entering from the fact that the Kohen Gadol wore bells on the Ephod, which made it clear that he was entering the Kodesh. If the reason that he wore them is because it's manners to let it be known that he's entering than the other Kohanim should also have to wear bells when they enter the Kodesh!?


Meseches Shabbos 97b learns from the words "Aleh" in Shemos 35,1 that says "Aleh Hadevarim asher tziva Hashem La'asos Osam" (these are the things that Hashem commanded that you must do them) that there are 39 melachos because aleh is gematriah 36 the Hei adds 1 and Devarim (things) is plural so adds two. That equals 39. How can we learn that there are 39 things we CAN'T do from a passuk telling us these are the things you MUST do?

Ki Sisa

Ramban 32,1- The Jews want a replacement for Moshe. Why does Aharon suggest making an Eigel? Wouldn't it be much simpler and much better for either Aharon or Chur to just be Moshe's replacement for the time being?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ki Sisa

In Shemos 32,32- Rashi, how can Moshe say If you don't forgive the Jews "Erase me from the whole Torah so people don't say I wasn't worthu to request mercy on their behalf". Why would Moshe care what people say about him? He was the humblest person ever!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Multimedia message

Megilla 12b- Vashti was punished Mida Kneged Mida- She made the Jewish girls work undressed on Shabbos,so too she was told to come undressed to party on Shabbos. Why is this Mida Kneged Mida, she never ended up going undressed to the party? In addition the gemarah says that really Vashti wouldn't have minded were it not for the fact that she grew a tail or got Tzara'as. If so, you can't punish someone with something that they don't even mind so its really completely not Mida K'negid Middah? If I don't mind something its not a punishment just because you did it to someone who does? In addition what is the reason she had to be punished on Shabbos? For her Shabbos is the same as any other day so again its not Mida K'negid Middah?

Monday, February 22, 2010


In Esther 2,22, why did Esther and Mordechai tell Achashverosh that Bigsan and Seresh were trying to kill him? Why didn't they just let them kill him? They knew what kind of person he was and how much he hated the Jews! (This is before Haman's promotion, so it wouldn't have been Haman who would take over.)


Why does the megilla only discuss the decor of the second party?Should discuss the decor of both the same way it discusses the purpose of and who was invited to both!
Why did Achashverosh only use the Klei Beis Hamikdash by the second party? We see by the first party he wore the Bigdei Kohen Gadol (Megilla 12a) so apparently even by the first party he was trying to be mevazeh the Beis Hamikdash and the Jewish religion!
Why do we only find that (Esther 1,9) Vashti made her own party by the second party(for Shushan)? We don't see anything about her making her own party the first time! What's the difference?

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Why did Mordechai have to incite Haman by not bowing down to him? Why couldn't he just arrange to lose his job of sitting at the palace gates or retire from it or move away or pretend to be sick or something? He can't make a point of not bowing down and thereby jepordize his life and the lives of his fellow Jews! Also the Gemara (Megilla 6b) says "I'm Ra'isah Rasha Shehasha'ah Misachekes lo al tisgareh bo" ( it's assur to incite a rasha that is enjoying good fortune), so how could he have incited Haman? Haman was clearly enjoying good fortune!


Megilla 15b-Rav Nechemia- The reasons that Esther invited Haman to the party was so tyhe Jews don't think that since we have a Jewish queen we don't need to daven. In Esther 4,16 Esther tells Mordechai to tell all the Jews to fast for her sake. Clearly all the Jews knew she was Jewish. If they all knew she was Jewish, how come Achashverosh didn't find out she was Jewish?

Thursday, February 18, 2010


How can Mordechai risk all of the Jew's lives by letting Haman see that he refuses to bow down to him? If he doesn't want to bow down he should just stay home or move away! He can't put everyone's lives in danger like that!


Esther 1,1 "sheva viesrim umeah mesinos" (127 province). Why isn't medina written in plural as medinos? 127 provinces makes much more sense than 127 province!


Once Esther 1,1 says "vayhi bimei Achashverosh" (it was in the days of Achashverosh) why does the next passuk need to say "Bayamim hahaim" (in those days)? Of course it was in those days, 1,1 just said so!


How can Megilla 13b say the reason that Esther didn't reveal her nationality was because she was so Tznius? Esther 2,20 says explicitly that the reason that she didn't reveal her nationality was because Mordechai told her not to and she always does what Mordechai says ("ein Esther magedes es amah vi'es moladitah kaasher tzivah alehah Mordechai vies ma'amar Mordechai Esther osah ka'asher haysah bi'amnah itoh")! Clearly it has nothing to do with how Tznius she is, she just did it because she listened to Mordechai!


Esther 3,1 "Achar hadevarim ha'eleh gidal hamelech Achashverosh es haman ben hamedasa ha'agggagi vaynasieihu vayasem es kiso me'al kol hasarim asher ito". Why does it need to say three times in the same passuk that Achashverosh promoted Haman (1-Gidal hamelech... es haman..., 2-Vaynasieihu, 3-Vayasem es kiso me'al kol hasarim...)?

Monday, February 15, 2010


How can Megilla 13b say the reason Esther didn't reveal her nationality due to her Tznius? Esther 2,20 says explicitely the reason she didn't tell is because Mordechai told her not to and she listened to Mordechai! It has nothing to do with whether or not she is Tzenua!


Esther 1,1 says"Sheva v'esrim umeah medina"(127 province). Why doesn't it say medinos (provinces) in plural form?


Shemos 21,6-Rashi-We pierce the thief's ear(if he remains a slave after 6 years)because even though his ear heard on Har Sinai "Lo Signov"he stole anyway. But Rashi on Shemos 20,13 says that that the "Lo Signov" on Har Sinai is reffering to kidnapping, not theft. If so, why are we piercing his ear because he heard on Har Sinai not to kidnap? That's not what he did!


The Bechorim only lost their rights and required redemption after the sin of the golden calf, when so many firstborns sinned. Afterwards they were redeemed onto the Leviim and the extra ones paid money. If so how could the Jews be commanded to redeem their firstborns in Shemos 22,28, if according to most Rishonim that happened before the sin of the golden calf?


Arachin15b-Snake justifies its biting other things even though it doesn't benifet at all from it by saying that I'm no different than those who speak Lashon Hara. How is that a justification? All the snake is showed that its not the only one with that issue! That doesn't excuse the snake!

Friday, February 5, 2010


Why does Shemos 19,1-2 first say that the Jews "came to Sinai", then say they "left Refidim", then say they "came to Sinai" again? Rashi only explains why we repeat that we left Refidim, but it should be written before talking about going to Sinai and also why does the Torah say we went to Sinai twice?


Rashi (Shemos 20,13) says that Lo Signov is reffering to kidnapping. But why isn't it called Lo Sigzol? Its only Genaiva when the party being stolen from is unaware that they're being stolen from! In a standard case of kidnapping the victim is well aware that they're being kidnapped. If so, it should be gezaila (as gezel is when victim is aware)!


Why were the Jews able to handle Hashem saying all 10 of the Aseres Hadibros at the same time, but unable to handle Him saying the first two seperately?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


What does the Midrash Rabba on Shemos 13,17 mean that Paroh was upset that the Jews are leaving because before he was getting messages from Hashem and now he won't anymore? Why would Paroh want messages from Hashem saying essentially "If you don't free the Jews I'll beat you to a bloody pulp"?That's not something Paroh should want at all!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


How can Hashem tell the Jews (Shemos 11,2) "Visha'alu ish mei'es re'eihu v'isha me'es reusah klei chesef uklei zahav" (and each man should borrow from his friend a,d each woman from her friend silver and golden vessels...)? They were never going to return them. You can't call that borrowing, it's taking!

Friday, January 15, 2010


Why does Moshe keep removing the Makkos right when Paroh says that he'll free the Jews? Paroh changed his mind every time! Wouldn't the smartest thing be to keep the Makka there until the Jews are well out of Egypt? I mean, at least by the third time, they should realize that Paroh lied the last few times, he's probably going to change his mind again this time too! The Jews don't lose anything by keeping the Makka there until they're safe, out of Egypt!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Shemos 6,13 Rashi- Hashem told Moshe to Treat Pharaoh with the honor befitting a king when he speaks to him. Why is this the place where Hashem tells him that? This isn't the first time he's being told to go to Pharaoh. Logically, the place to tell Moshe should be in 3,18 before Moshe goes to Pharaoh for the first time!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


In Berachos 9a,b Rav Yannai says that the reason it says in Shemos 11,2 "daber NA... viyishalu ish maies ra'aihu... Klei chesef uklei zahav" (speak please... and let each man borrow from his friend... silver and gold vessels) is because na means please and Hashem was telling Moshe "Please. Go tell Klal Yisrael please borrow gold and silver vessels because that way Avraham won't be able to say 'you kept(Beraishis 15,13) 'they will serve them and oppress them' but not 'afterwards they will leave with tremendous wealth' '!" Why is the problem that Avraham is going to complain, the problem should be that Hashem has to do it since he promised to?

Monday, January 11, 2010


Rashi on 7,19 says Aharon had to do the first two Makkos because Moshe had been saved by water when he was put in the river as a baby. Rashi on 8,12 says Aharon had to do the third Makka because the dirt saved him when he buried the Egyptian he killed. But why did it have to be Aharon who turned the stick into a snake in 7,9-10? Sticks have never saved Moshe's life, why couldnt Moshe do it?

Sunday, January 10, 2010


In 6,12 Moshe makes a Kal Vachomer "If the Bnei Yisrael didn't listen to me, for sure Pharaoh won't listen to me." But 6,9 just said the Jews didn't listen because of their "shortness of breath and hard work". Those reasons don't apply to Pharaoh, so what's the proof that Pharaoh won't listen?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Rambam- Hashem doesn't make unnecessary miracles. If so, why does Hashem (2,6Rashi) make it that when Moshe cries, he sounds much older than he is? That doesn't do anything! No ones going to think he's any older than he looks.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


In 1,18 Pharaoh comes up with a plan to get all the boys killed by having the midwives Shifra and Puah kill them at birth. How is that going to be effective? Everyone will very quickly notice that all the boys are dying and stop using them as their midwives!


Beraishis 46,8Rashi-The pasuk says the Jews "are coming to Egypt" in present tense, because at this point in the Torah's telling over of the story they're coming even though most of the Torah is written in past tense. But in Shemos 1,1 it says the Jews "are coming to Egypt" even though its been years since they came! Why doesn't it say over there the Jews "came"?


48,8 Rashi- The Shechina left by Ephraim and Menashe's brachos because they will have a some evil descendants. Why doesn't it leave by the other Shevatim's brachos?They also have a numberof descendants that are just as evil!


Why does Yaakov (48,7 Rashi) tell Yosef to bury him in Mearas Hamachpeila even though he didn't bury Rachel there, during Ephraim and Menashe's brachos? The time to tell him that should be while he's telling Yosef where to bury him (in 47,28-31)! It is totally irrelevant to Ephraim and Menashe's Berachos!



47,28Rashi-The reason there's no 9+ letter long space between Vayigash and Vayichi is because the eyes and heart of the Jews became closed because the slavery began. But the slavery didn't start when Yaakov died in Vayechi!? It started after all the Shvatim, and almost are their kids too, died in Sefer Shemos, so why is the lack of 9+ letter long space before Vayechi? It has nothing to do with Yaakov's death or with Parshas Vayechi at all! It should be by Shemos!