Sunday, November 29, 2009


32,19-Yaakov tells the 1st group of malachim that he sends with presents for Eisav to tell him A)The presents are your servant, Yaakov's B)They are a present for Eisav C)Yaakov is behind us. 32,20-Yaakov tells the rest of the groups exactly what he told the first group to tell Eisav. 32,21- "Also say that Yaakov is behind us".Why does Yaakov randomly repeat to say that Yaakov is behind us? He just said that! Also, why does Yaakov call this an additional point?

Friday, November 27, 2009


29,2-Yaakov saw a big rock on the well. Why does Yaakov(29,7) tell the shepherds to give water to the sheep and the they need to reply (29,8) "we can't,there's a big rock blocking the well"? Yaakov saw the rock and he should've known they can't give water to the sheep!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


How call Leah have the chutzpah to tell Rachel (30,15) "Isn't it enough that you took my husband..."? She's only married because (29,25 Rashi) Rachel was nice enough to give her the Simanim (Yaakov realized that Lavan would try to trick him so he gave Rachel a sign to prove it was her and Rachel gave it to Leah to prevent her from being embarrassed)!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


In 28,11 Rashis,why does Hashem do Kfitzas Haderech so fast that He has to set the sun early to ensure that Yaakov sleeps there? Just do less Kefitzas Haderech and Yaakov will get there at night anyway, so Hashem won't need to make an unnecessary miracle!


What does Yaakov mean (29,12 Rashi) "I'm Lavan's equal in trickery"? Lavan successfully tricks Yaakov every time!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Once 29,32 says the reason why Leah called Reuven Reuven, why does Rashi there need to give us a different reason? The Torah's reason should be enough! Rashi doesn't even phrase it as the Torah gives us a different reason, the way he makes it sound is that the Rabbanan are giving us the only reason.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Why does the Torah (25,19+Rashi) wait until Yitzchak is 60 to prove his father is Avraham,not Avimelech? The Torah should do that when he's born!

Monday, November 16, 2009


Why's the Aveira that the Torah brings (25,34+Rashi) to show Eisav's wickedness his disgracing the Bechora? Bava Basra16b-That day did Avoda Zara+Aishes Ish+Kofer Betchiyas Hameisim+Kofer Be'ikar which are all much worse!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Chayei Sara

Bava Metziya87a-until Avraham in 24,1 there was no such thing as "ziknah" (elderliness). But18,11(et al.)says-Avraham&Sara were"zikainim" so clearly there was elderliness?

Chayei Sara

Why do we need to say in both 23,17&23,20that the field&the cave became Avraham's? Even worse,the 2nd time is after Sara's burial so its clearly already Avraham's!?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Chayei Sara-correction

Yes I know it should be Lavan, not Lot.

Chayei Sara

If (24,31) Lot cleaned out his house from Avoda Zara for Eliezer (because he knows Eliezer can't stand it) why does he(Chizkuni-24,32) say Eliezer must wash his feet off from Avoda Zara (since Lot didnt want any Avoda Zara other than his own in his house)? He knows that Eliezer hates Avoda Zara and would never worship the dust on his feet!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Chayei Sara

23,1-Rashi-When Sara was 20 she was as beautiful as a 7year old. What's the praise? A 20yr old looks better than a 7 year old! Also, this is the Torah "eulogizing" Sara. Couldn't the Torah have found something nicer than that? What's the big deal if she was beautiful?

Friday, November 6, 2009


Why does Avraham(18,3-Rashi-2nd pshat) ask Hashem not to leave only after(18,2)he ran to greet the guests and bowed down to them? Avraham should have to ask Hashem first not to leave and only afterwards run to greet the guests!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Why does Hashem need to send a Malach to tell Avraham that Sara wil have a son?Hashem just told him 3 days earlier in17,16+19! It can't either be so Sara finds out because then the logical thing to do would be to have Avraham pass on the message to Sara, and then she probably would have believed him as he is a Navi Muchzak(Established)!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


How could people say that (21,7-Rashi) Sara never gave birth?She must have looked very clearly pregnant for many months already!

Monday, November 2, 2009


(18,2)Why'd the Malach destroying Sedom(Gavriel)bother coming to Avraham?His mission has nothing to do with visiting Avraham!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


What's Rashi mean(18,11)Sara stopped having Dam Nida?Sara just(18,8Rashi)became a Nida(&made the bread Tamei)!