Wednesday, March 4, 2009

8 adar

Megilla 12b- Vashti was punished Mida Kneged Mida. She made the Jewish girls work undressed on Shabbos, so too, she was told to come undressed to the party on Shabbos. Why is this Mida Kneged Mida? She never ended up going undressed to the party! In addition the Gemara says that really Vashti wouldn't have minded were it not for the fact that she grew a tail or got Tzara'as. If so, you can't punish someone with something that they don't even mind, so its really completely not Mida K'negid Mida? If you don't mind something, it's not a punishment just because you did it to someone who does? In addition, what is the reason she had to be punished on Shabbos? For her Shabbos is the same as any other day, so again its not Mida K'negid Mida!

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