Rashi Bamidbar 16,7 says that Moshe said that only one from korach and his followers will live and korach misunderstood and thought that he would be that one that lives because he saw all the great people who would come from him. However he made a mistake because actually Moshe saw that it was his sons who would do Teshuva and were therefore saved and the great people that came from him were able to come from him through his sons. How does it make any sense that Moshe says ONE person would be saved and Moshe saw that Korach's SONS (plural) would be saved? If Moshe saw that his sons would be saved why did he only say that one person would be saved?
It doesn't make sense to answer that that person who would be saved was Aharon (and the one person who would be saved also includes the ability for it to be Aharon and Moshe wasn't just talking about one person from Korach and his followers) and Korach's sons weren't included in the fight at all, because then you would have to say that Korach figured that there was some reason that Korach would hold that for some reason Aharon deserved to die. However there is no logic to such a reason and Korach never says anything remotely simaler to that which would even imply he thinks anything at all like that.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
2 Sivan (Korach)
Why does Moshe say (Bamidbar 16,29) if Korach and his followers aren't killed miraculously then he's a fake Navi? Maybe they'll do Teshuva and live! How can he risk his whole credibility on the fact that they won't do Teshuva. (We see doing Teshuva helps because Korach's sons did Teshuva and weren't killed.)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
30 Sivan
To prove that Aharon should be the Kohen Gadol, not Korach, Hashem had Moshe (Bamidbar 17,17-24) write Aharon's name on Mateh Levi and every other shevet had their own Mateh and then only Mateh Levi's blossomed. How does that show Korach shouldn't be Kohen Gadol? Korach was from Shevet Levi! Who says Korach wasn't also holy enough? There was no way for it to blossom specifically for Korach so maybe it was blossoming for him! We should have written Aharon's name on a seperate staff than the rest of Shevet Levi and then when only Aharon's staff would blossom, and not Levi's, we'd know that only Aharon and his descendants could be Kohen Gadol!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
17 Sivan (Beha'alosecha)
Why do the Jews say(Bamidbar 11,5)-"Zacharnu es hadaga asher nochal bimitzraim"? Nochal is future tense, they're remembering the past! Also even if we could answer that, why wouldn't the chumash just write it simply in past tense?
16 Sivan (Beha'alosecha)
Rashi (Bamidbar9,1) explains why Sefer Bamidbar starts from 1Iyar and not earlier from Pesach in this weeks parsha, but why doesn't Sefer Bamidbar start even earlier from Naso(1Nissan)?
15 Sivan (Beha'alosecha)
Bamidbar11,5 Rashi-The Jews want to get food like they got in Egypt without needing to do mitzvos. Isn't doing mitzvos easier than having to be slaves in order to get food? Why would they rather that?
13 Sivan
The Boel explodes when the Sota does(5,22)so why does the Sota get warned so many times while the man doesn't get a single warning? He just explodes when she does. That's not fair!
12 Sivan (Sivan)
Alert kasha Why is the Nazir called a Nazir even after he's done with Nezirus in Bamidbar6,20"Viachar yishteh HANAZIR yayin"?
11 Iyar (Nasso)
Brachos20b-although (Devarim10,17) Hashem doesn't favor or take bribes(Bamidbar6,24)Hashem favors the Jews because they bentch on a Kzais even though Medeoraysa only have to bentch on a Kebaya. But the Passuk says that Hashem never favors or takes bribes! Can't make excuses! Hashem even admits to favoring us which is exactly what the passuk says Hashem never does!
10 Nissan (Nasso)
Why is a Sotah rewarded (Bamidbar 5,28+Rashi) just because she wasn't mezaneh?She still did the avaira of yichud which is assur mideoraysa here because she's married! Why isn't she choteh niscar? Also she didn't actually do anything to get rewarded! We can't just reward her for doing an avairah!
9 Sivan (Nasso)
Bamidbar 5,20-Rashi-"Viat ki satis tachas ishaich" ki here means "if" , not "because",because if we know 100% that she did adultry she wouldn't drink the Sotah waters. Why not just write"im"? Ki just confuses,so why write it when we can write "Im" with no problems?
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