Sunday, April 17, 2011
Midrash Rabba (20,6) on Shemos 13,17-Pharaoh was upset that the Jews are leaving because before he was getting messages from Hashem and now he won't anymore. It's a mashal to a man who's son was far away and a rich man accepted him graciously. Then the king kept sending him messages to send his son, and then when his son finally left the rich man starting crying. People asked him why he's crying, and he said before I used to get honor because the king used to keep sending him messages and now that the son left he won't be getting them anymore. How was it a kavod to Pharaoh that Hashem kept sending him messages that if you don't send my son, I'm going to smash you to smithereens? That's not an honor, he's insulting him! It's only in honor if it was a normal message!
Shemos 26,5- Rashi- Arami Oved Avi is being Mazkir Chasdei Hamakom (remembering the kindnesses of Hashem)........ And because he planned to do (to eradicate all Klal Yirael), Hashem considered it as if he had (eradicated Klal Yisrael)... I understand that we want to write it as if Lavan had destroyed Klal Yisrael, but here is totally not the time and place to be doing that! The purpose of Arami Oved Avi is to remember the kindness of Hashem. If so, why do we phrase it as though Lavan had actually killed us? That's completely antithetical to the whole purpose of the passuk, because now it reads that Hashem did us absolutely no favor!
The Haggada says "if Hashem had given us their (the Egyptians') money and not split the sea for us it would've been enough." How would it have been enough if he hadn't split the sea for us? We all would've been killed by the Egyptians!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Ramba"m Hilchos Chametz Umatzah 2,2- "what is the Hashbasa (destoying chametz) that is said in the Torah? That he should be mevatel the chametz in his heart, and consider it like dirt and he should place in his heart that he has no chametz in his reshus at all. And that all the chametz in his reshus should be like dirt and like something he has no use for at all." Why does the Rambam repeat that you should consider all the chametz like dirt? Also how can you consider all the chametz in your reshus to be like dirt once you've already made it as though you have no chametz in your reshus? You don't have anything in your reshus to make into dirt!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
After 7 of the Makkos Pharaoh promises to free the Jews and then changes his mind once Moshe removes the Makka. Why doesn't Moshe just take the Jews out first and wait to remove the Makka until we're long gone? What's this whole game? He knows that Pharaoh changed his mind the last 6 times, chances are he's going to change his mind again!
What does the Haggada mean "Sheparo lo gazar elah al hazicharim" (for Pharaoh only decreed on the boys...)? That's not true! The decree to throw all newborn boys was only for the year (or so) that Moshe was born (Sotah 12b)! All other decrees were against men and woman equally!
Shemos 12,36- "Vayinatzlu es Mitzraim" (and they emptied Egypt). If Mitzraim got emptied, how could (Rashi on Shemos 15,22) the Jews have gotten even more by Bizas Hayam than they got when they left Egypt? There was nothing left to get, let alone getting even more than they get when they left!
Why do we say "Come and learn what Lavan wanted to do to Yaakov Avinu, for Pharaoh only wanted to kill the boys, but Lavan wanted to uproot everyone"? All it does is trivialize the miracle of Yetzias Mitzraim! Its basically interjecting with "you know the guy Hashem saved us from wasn't really that bad". It just minimizes the miracle Hashem did for us! It doesn't add anything to the story either. We don't discuss Lavan at all. At the very least we should thank Hashem for saving us from him or something! It comes off almost rude. How is that a fitting introduction to Arami Oved Avi Vayered Mitzraimah"?
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