Sunday, June 27, 2010


Sanhedrin 63a- Rashi- Ba'al Peor is never worshiped by bowing, that's the antithesis of the proper way to worship it. If so, in 25,2+Rashi, why do the Bnos Moav make Jews bow down to Ba'al Peor?


Bamidbar 25, 1-3 makes it clear that the Jews were mezaneh with Bnos Moav first and only afterwards they did Avoda Zara. How can Sanhedrin 106a say that what happened with all the Jews is that they did Avoda Zara and only afterwards the Bmos Moav were willing to consent to do znus with them?


In Bamidbar 20, 2-3why do the Jews "gather against Moshe AND Aharon" then only "fight with Moshe"? Why isn't it same both times!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Sanhedrin 101b- Rashi- Moshe's sin by Mei Meriva which prevented him from being able to enter Eretz Yisrael is that he said to the Jews(Bamidbar 20,10) "Shimu Nah Hamorim" listen now, O rebels". But 20,12 + Rashi says the sin here (which is Mei Meriva) that caused him not to be able to enter Eretz Yisrael is that he hit the rock instead of speaking to it?

Sunday, June 13, 2010


In Bamidbar 20,12-Rashi Hashem gets upset at Moshe for hitting the rock instead of talking to the rock because had Moshe spoken to the Rock instead of hitting it, the Jews would have reasoned "if the rock which doesn't speak, doesn't hear, and doesn't need sustenance, still listens to Hashem, all the more so we should." Why on Earth would the Jews have made such a retarded Kal Vechomer? The rock doesn't have the choice whether to listen to Hashem or not, of course it listens to Hashem! In addition, the rock's not listening is not relevant! If anything it only shows that the rock wasn't listening to Hashem!


How can Korach and his followers not trust Moshe if Shemos 19,9 says "bicha yaminu liolam" (they will trust in you forever)?


How does the Arizal that says in the future Korach will be Kohen Gadol make sense? Korach is a huge rasha!


In 17,17-24 Hashem tells Moshe to prove that Aharon is supposed to be the Kohen Gadol by taking a staff from each of the Nesi'im and writing the Nasi's name on the staff (for Levi they wrote Aharon's name) and put them near the Aron Kodesh. Sure enough the next morning only Shevet Levi's staff blossomed. How does that prove it has to be Aharon who's the Kohen Gadol? It could still be anyone from Levi. Last time, the problem came from a Levi, wouldn't it make sense to somehow prove it can't be any other Levi other than Aharon?


How can Moshe say (Bamidbar 16,29) if Korach and his followers aren't killed miraculously, then Hashem didn't send him? Maybe they'll do Teshuva and live!


16,1 Rashi- Korach and his followers came to Moshe with four cornered garments made out of Techeiles and they asked Moshe is this garment chayav in Tzitzis or patur? Moshe responded that its still chayav in Tzitzis. Immediately they began laughing at him and said if a regular beged has one string of techeilis that paturs the entire beged, so this garment which is completely techeiles should for sure be patur. Why doesn't Korach agree that its chayav in Tzitzis? All it should be patur on based on Korach's Kal Vechomer is from techeiles! So why did he ask whether its chayav in Tzitzis, not whether its chayav in Techeiles?


13,2 Rashi- The Jews should have trusted Hashem that the land is good and not sent spies to check. But Devarim 1,22 actually says what they asked for, which is "Let us send men before us and they will spy out the land and tell us what path we should go up on and what cities to conquer". Clearly they wanted to go up to Eretz Yisrael, and they probably did believe Hashem that it was good. All they wanted was to find out what the best way to conquer Eretz Yisrael is, whic Hashem never told told them, so what's the problem?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


In Bamidbar 13,31 Rashi, how could the Jews have possibly believed that the goyim in Eretz Yisrael are stronger than Hashem (Chas Veshalom)?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Rashi Bamidbar 15,41- The eight Tzitzis strings are Kneged the eight days between leaving Mitzraim and Krias Yam Suf. But Rashi (Shemos14,5) says that it was only seven days!?


Why did the Jews complain about the Mun (Bamidbar 11,4) and Issur Arayos (Bamidbar 11,20 Rashi) here? Both had already been in effect for about a year already!


Beraishis 15,5 Rashi- Yabit means to look down from above. In this weeks parsha when Moshe is (Bamidbar 12,8) "utmunas Hashem yabit", how could he possibly look down on Hashem? That's impossible!


Bamidbar 11,5 Rashi- The Jews want to get food like they got in Egypt without needing to do mitzvos to get it. Why wouldn't they rather it this way, with them needing to do mitzvos to get food, then the way it was in Egypt, with them being slaves?


Bamidbar 13,18 Rashi-Fortified cities shows the goyim there are weak. But in 13,28 Rashi says it shows strength!?


Why do the Jews say (Bamidbar 11,5) "zacharnu es hadaga asher nochal bimitzraim"? Nochal is future tense, they are obviously remembering the past!


Bamidbar 5,22 Rashi- The Boel explodes when the Sotah does. If so, why do we warn the Sotah so many times and not warn the Boel even once? Its not fair! There's no reason for her to be given chance after chance and him not to be given a single chance not to explode. She was even warned beforehand too! Also, his death is tied to hers, its not even like his sin deserves death and she's just given a chance because he dies exactly when she dies regardless!