Friday, April 30, 2010
Hy does Vayikra 21,1 say that a Kohen can't become Tamei to a "Nefesh"? Nefesh (when not followed by the word "Meis") always means a living person, and a Kohen is allowed to become Tamei to a living person! It should say he can't become Tamei to a "Nefesh Meis" like it says when it discusses who a Kohen Gadol and Nazir can't become Tamei to!
In Shemos 2,12, Rashi says before Moshe killed the Mitzri he checked with Ruach Hakodesh and saw that none of this Mitzri's descendants will convert. But in Vayikra 24,10 Rashi says the Mekalel was the son of the Mitzri and he converted! How can Rashi say that Moshe saw that none of his kids will convert and then say later that his son did convert?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Why is a person who curses Hashem the only person who's chayav misah that we tell (Rashi24,14) "your blood is on your head (you are to blame for your own death), and we won't get punished because of your death because you caused it to yourself"? Every person who's chayav any misah caused their own death and therefore Beis Din won't be punished for killing them!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Acharei Mos- Kedoshim
Why does Rashi 17,4 say that a person who shechts a korban outside Beis Hamikdash is like a murder that in that he pays with his life? There are tons of people who are chayav misah, what relevance does this guy have to a murderer? The Torah must be gaining something by the comparison. It can't be the Torah needs to show that its possible for someone to be chayav misah! Besides, a murderer gets Hereg and someone who shechts a korban outside the Beis Hamikdash only gets Kares! Why don't we compare him to someone who gets Kares instead?
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Acharei-Mos - Kedoshim
Yoma 67b says that the sair lazazel is called that because it comes to atone for the sins of Uza and Aziel. Rashi- They were the Bnei Elokim that were mezaneh with the human women, so the azazel is atoning for licentiousness. The problem is that Vayikra 16,21 says it was coming for "Kol Pishahem Licol Chatosum" (for all inquity for all sins) so how can the Gemara say it was specifically for licentiousness?
In Yevamos 62b why did R' Akiva's students get killed for not giving kavod to each other? That's not even an aveira! Also why did they get what Brachos8a says is the worst death possible, askera? What was so bad about it that would deserve such a terrible death?
What's the celebration that R' Akiva's students stopped dying on Lag Be'omer?The only reason why they stopped dying is because they were all dead!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
How were the Jews kicked out of Egypt before the bread had time to rise? The Jews already knew for weeks that they were going to be leaving! They had weeks to prepare all that was necessary! Why on Earth would they have only started making the dough within 18 minutes of the time they happened to get kicked out?
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