Friday, December 25, 2009


How is (45,27Rashi) sending Agalos (wagons) clear proof that Yosef remembers the last thing he learned with Yaakov was Egla Arufa? Even Pharaoh (45,19+21) said to send wagons so clearly that's just the normal thing to do!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


How did Yosef (45,12-Rashi) prove his identity based on the fact that he knows Lashon Hakodesh? If(42,23Rashi) the interpreter knew it, so could he! That's not solid proof that he's Yosef if its a language others know!

Monday, December 21, 2009


Once Yehuda said (44,16) "we'll ALL be slaves" ,why does he (44,18) get upset at Yosef for responding (44,17) only Binyamin will be a slave?

Friday, December 18, 2009


What was Reuven thinking when he (42,37) told Yaakov to kill his two sons if he isn't successful returning Binyamin? Why on Earth did he think that Yaakov would want to kill them? First of all they're Yaakov's grandsons and also Yaakov has no interest in killing anybody (even someone coming to kill him see 32,8 plus Rashi)!

Monday, December 14, 2009


In Al Hanisim, why'd they light the Beis Hamikdash's Menora in the Chatzros Kodshecha? The Menora isn't in the Chatzer! Also, why does it say ChatzrOS in plural? Even if the Menorah was in the courtyard for some reason it would only be in one courtyard!

Friday, December 11, 2009


Baal Haturim37,1-"Eretz Megurei Aviv B'eretz Canaan"is refering to Chevron. Why not just say Chevron? Its much shorter!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Why do we only commemorate the oil lasting eight days and not that we were able to keep the Mitzvos because the Greeks were defeated? Seemingly that should be much more important!

Monday, December 7, 2009


By Yosef's 1st dream (37,5) why after he tells his brothers the dream (and they hate him even more because of it), does he say (37,6) listen to my dream? He just told it to them!

Friday, December 4, 2009


Why do (33,8-Rashi) the Malachim Yaakov sends to Eisav beat up Eisav's men? That contradicts the whole message they were sent to deliver- that Yaakov respects Eisav and is submissive to him!


35,3-Yaakov says to his family and everyone with him to A)Get rid of idols B)CHANGE THEIR CLOTHES. So why do they (35,4) A)Get rid of idols B)REMOVE EARINGS? Yaakov told them to change their clothes not to remove their earings!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


32,27Rashi-Eisav's Malach had to leave to sing Shiros to Hashem because just became daytime. But Chagiga12b-Malachim only say Shira at night; so why did he need to go sing because it became daytime?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Ba'al Haturim 34,1- Yaakov is punished with story of Shechem and Dina, for preventing Dina from marrying Eisav by hiding her in a box when Eisav comes. But not wanting to marry Eisav is a good thing! Rashi29,17- The Torah praises Leah for that?