Thursday, April 30, 2009
Acharei Mos-Kedoshim (6 Iyar)
Yoma 67b says that the sair lazazel is called that because it comes to atone for the sins of Uza and Aziel. They were the Bnei Elokim that were mezaneh with the human women, so the azazel is atoning for licentiousness. The problem is that Vayikra 16,21 says it was coming for "Kol pishahem Licol Chatosum" (for all inquity for all sins) so how can the Gemara say it was specifically for licentiousness?
Acharei Mos-Kedoshim (5 Iyar)
Why does Vayikra 16,34 need to tell us "Lichaper al Bnei Yisrael mikol chatosum achas bashana" (to atone for Bnei Yisrael for all their sins once a year)? We just said 5 pesukim ago "Bachodesh hashvi'I beasur lachodesh" (on the 7th month on the 10th of the month) so I know very clearly it was once a year!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
4 Nissan (Sefira)
Why were R' Akiva's students specifically killed during Sefira? Seemingly there is no more relevance of "shelo nahagu kavod ze bazeh" (they didn't act with honor to each other) to Sefira over any other time of the year, so why then? It can't be coincidental!
Monday, April 27, 2009
3 Nissan (Acharei Mos-Kedoshim)
Why does Hashem tell Moshe (Vayikra 16,2) "Daber el Aharon achicha..." (Tell Aharon your brother...)? Moshe knows that his brother is Aharon, Hashem doesn't need to tell him. The passuk could have just said "tell Aharon"!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
2 Iyar (Acharei Mos-Kedoshim)
Rashi on Vayikra 19,3 says that Kibbud av v'aim is written together with Shabbos to teach us that honoring parents isn't doche shabbos and its the same with everything else. Typically the way of the Torah is to teach us the biggest Chiddush and I know for sure the smaller chiddush. If so, why does the torah write it with Shabbos to teach us everything, it should have written Kibbud av v'aim with a regular lav that only gets malkos as a punishment and I'd know for sure everything else. Why write it with such a chamor lav like shabbos to teach us everything?
30 Nissan (Tazriah-Metzorah)
Why does Parshas Tazria start with "Isha ki sazria viyalda zachar" (when a woman becomes pregnant and gives birth to a male), if she gave birth to a male of course she became pregnant first?
Friday, April 24, 2009
29 Nissan (Tazriah-Metzorah)
According to the opinions that Sheva Berachos is a Dirabanan how can we learn from our parsha in Moed Katan 7b according to both opinions that we don't examine the Tzaras until after Sheva Berachos? Sheva Berachos doesn't exist in the Torah according to them!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
28 Nissan (Tazriah-Metzorah)
In Vayikra 14,54-57 why do we say "Zos hatorah lichol negah hatzaras... Zos toras hatzaras" (this is the law for every Tzaras... This is the law of Tzaras." There's no reason to say it twice!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
27 Nissan (Sefiras Ha'omer)
Why were R' Akiva's students killed for merely not giving Kavod to each other? When did that become something that's Mechuyav Misah?
26 Nissan (Tazriah-Metzorah)
The first Rashi in Tazriah says that we are starting discussing the Torah of people now that we finished with the Torah about animals we are going to start with the Torah of people. I understand why we start with childbirth halachos then, but why do we get into the laws of Tzara'as right afterwards?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
25 Nissan (Tazriah-Metzorah)
Why does it say (Vayikra 13,3) "Vira'ah hakohen es hanegah bior habasar... Vira'ahu hakohen vitimei osoh" (and the kohen should look at the tzara'as on the skin of his flesh... The kohen should look at it and declare it tamei.)? We already said the kohen should look at it in the beginning of the passuk!
23 Nissan (Shemini)
Why does it say by all of the treif animals with one siman (either it chews its cud or it has split hooves) in Vayikra 11,4-7, that you can't eat it because... and then list the siman it does have then the siman it doesn't have? Why doesn't it just say that you can't eat it because it doesn't have the siman it doesn't have? There's no reason to say the siman it does have!
20 Nissan (Pesach)
In Berachos 9a,b Rav Yannai says that the reason it says in Shemos 11,2 "daber NA... viyishalu ish maies ra'aihu... Klei chesef uklei zahav" (speak please... and let each man borrow from his friend... silver and gold vessels) is because na means please and Hashem was telling Moshe "Please. Go tell Klal Yisrael please borrow gold and silver vessels because that way Avraham won't be able to say 'you kept(Beraishis 15,13) 'they will serve them and oppress them' but not 'afterwards they will leave with tremendous wealth' '!" Why is the problem that Avraham is going to complain, the problem should be that Hashem has to do it since he promised to?
19 Nissan (Pesach)
I had some technical problems both with my phone and with laiziness so I didn't post the last few days kashas here. (They did make it to the text so if you subscribed to that you would have gotten it). I'll try to catch up today.
How can Hashem tell the Jews (Shemos 3,22) ""Visha'ala isha mishchenta umigaras beisa klei chesef uklei zahav usmalos visamtem al beneichem vial benosechem..." (and each woman should borrow from her neighbor and from the one who lives in her house silver and golden vessels and clothing and put them on your sons and daughters...)? They were never going to return them. You can't call that borrowing, it's taking!
Monday, April 13, 2009
18 Nissan (Pesach)
Chazal tell us that Bnei Yisrael merited redemption from Egypt in merit of three things. (1)They didn't speak Egyptian (2) They didn't wear Egyptian clothing (3) They didn't use Egyptian names. If so why in Shemos 3,22 does it say that "Visha'ala... Klei chesef uklei zahav usmalos visamtem al beneichem vial benosechem vinatzaltem es Mitzraim" (and borrow...silver and gold vessels and clothing and put them on your sons and daughters and empty Egypt). Why would Hashem tell them to borrow the Egyptian clothing? They shouldn't start wearing Egyptian clothes now!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
14 Nissan (Pesach)
Why doe the Haggada single out "Ain maftirim achar hapesach afikomen" we don't eat after the pesach afikomen as the one halacha listed that we tell the Chacham in response to his question? Seemingly it has no relevence to his question at all and is no more of an important halacha than any of the other ones!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
13 Nissan (Pesach)
The passuk the Haggada uses to show "Vayareiu osunu hamitzrim" (and the Egyptians did bad to us) is "Hava nischakma lo, pen yirbeh vihaya ki sikrena milchama vinosaph gam hu al soneinu vinilcham banu viala min ha'aretz" (Let's deal cleverly with them, lest they multiply, and it will be when we have a war and they will join to our enemies and they will fight us and drive us up from the land). Why is that the passuk used to prove that they did bad to us? Wouldn't a passuk related to the evil decrees they actually made or related to the terrible things they did to us be a better passuk to quote?
Monday, April 6, 2009
12 Nissan (Pesach)
In the Ma Nishtana the second question is "Shebichol Haleilos unu ochlim shiar yerakos haleila hazeh marror" (on all other nights we eat other vegetables tonight- marror). Why does the child see anything strange about the choice of vegetables? We have karpas and marror so it should just look like we're having a random selection of vegetables! Also according to the Haggadas that have the girsah of Kulo marror, what does it mean we only have marror? We have whatever vegetable we use for Karpas!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
11 Nissan (Pesach)
The Torah asks the Questions of the Chacham and the Rasha. The Chacham's question is asked in Devarim 6,20 "Ki yishalcha bincha machar leimor ma ha'aidus vihachukim vihamishpatim..." (When your son asks you tomorrow saying what are the testimonies and decrees and laws...). And the Rasha's question is in Shemos 12,26 "Vihaya ki yomru alaichem bineichem ma ha'avodah hazos lachem". (And it will be when your sons say to you what is this service to you?). The problem is why doesn't the haggada use the answer that the Torah gives of: for the Chacham: "Viamarta livincha Avadim hayinu liparoh... Vayiten Hashem osos umophsim... Viosanu hotzi... Vayitzavenu Hashem la'asos.... Utzdakkah tihyeh lanu..." (And you will say to your son we were servants to Pharaoh... And Hashem put signs and wonders... And we were taken out... And Hashem commanded us to do... And it will be a merit to us...) And for the Rasha: "Viamatem zevach pesach hu lahashem asher pasach... Ve'es bateinu hitzil" (And you will say it is a Pesach offering to Hashem that he passed over... And our households he saved). There's no reason seemingly for the Ba'al Haggada to not use the Torah's answer so why not use it. We're not going to Chas Veshalom say he's smarter than the Torah so how can the Haggada give a different answer?
Friday, April 3, 2009
9 Nissan (Pesach)
The Haggada says "Baruch Shomer Havtachaso Liyisrael..." (blessed is He who keeps his promise to the jews [to redeem them]...). Why are we praising Hashem for keeping his promise? Of course Hashem has to keep his promise, doing that doesn't deserve praise!
9 Nissan (Pesach)
The Haggada proves "Vayotzienu Hashem Mimitzraim- Lo Al Yedei Malach...Elah Hakadosh Baruch Hu Bichvodo Uvatzmo" (And Hashem took us out of Mitzraim- not through an angel...Rather it was Hashem in all his glory himself) from (Shemos 12,12)"Viavarti... Vihikeisi Kol Bechor.... Uvchol Elohei Mitzraim E'eseh Shfatim Ani Hashem" (And I will pass... And I will hit every first born... And in all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment. I am Hashem). All that we see from there is that it was Hashem himself that killed the Egyptian first borns and destroyed the idols. That's not a proof that it was Hashem that took us out of Egypt so why do we try to prove from there?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
6 Nissan (Pesach)
Why does it say in Davar Achar "alu eser makkos shehavi hakadosh Baruch hu al hamitzrim bimitzraim" (these are the 10 makkos that Hashem brought on the Egyptians in Egypt)? Of course the Egyptians are in Egypt! If its excluding the ones that aren't currently in Egypt than why shouldn't the ones that just left be punished for what they did? Also, if that's true, why didn't the other Egyptians just leave for a little bit until the makkos are done (we find the bechorim got into a major war with their fathers right before makkas bechoros that caused even more deaths than the makkah itself. Why not just take a quick vacation in Eretz Kena'an or something)?
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